My youngest baby is having a birthday today! How I'd love to be celebrating in person with her! I'd try my hand at a vegan birthday cake. I'd scratch her back for an hour. I'd keep three precious grandchildren while she and hubby went out on the town.

We'd have funny face pancakes for breakfast - totally vegan, of course! Angela, Juliet and I would indulge in manicures and pedicures before heading to lunch at a vegan bistro.

Mostly, I'd just enjoy being with her and rejoicing in the happy occasion that was Angela only a few short years ago (notice I left out numbers). I so wanted that bundle of joy to be a girl and I was thrilled to welcome her. I wanted a little doll to dress up and her Daddy wanted a Daddy's Girl, and we both won big time! What a blessing she has always been.

Alas, I'm a good 14 hours away by car, but my heart is with you today on this special day. I'm so proud of the woman you are, your countless talents, and your unwavering faith in God. You're a loving wife, mother, daughter and sister, and I couldn't have hand-picked a better third child.
Happy birthday, Punkin, and know that I love you with all my heart. Yesterday, today, and all your tomorrows.