It's fun watching four-year-olds play soccer. This was Jude's final game for the season and I finally got to see him play. Kids this age are either into the game or just enjoying being with other team members. Jude fits into the latter. While the kids were kicking the ball, Jude might be seen examining a cluster of pine needles or holding hands with teammate Colton. A few times he yelled up to us in the bleachers, once saying "I love you, Memaw." I don't expect to hear that from the field when he graduates to the varsity team.
At the end of the game all players received a trophy. Jude was thrilled to get his and proudly showed it off to us. Baylee wanted the trophy for herself and I don't doubt that she will get one some day. As you can see from the picture, she had fun playing soccer with Papa.
We cheered for Jude when he kicked the ball out of bounds or any other time when his foot accidently made contact with the soccer ball. He was there to have fun, to enjoy seeing his parents and grandparents there for him, and play with the kids. No one expected pro soccer skills from kids so young and all were there to have a good time.
After the awards ceremony, we went to Spaghetti Warehouse to eat. Jude even announced our plans on the field when he was supposed to be chasing the ball. What a comic and what fun we had with him and his family today. You're the champ, Jude!
This is when they are so much fun. Just out there having a good time...don't we wish we all could be that carefree...Jude needs to be a mascot, he would be perfect getting everyone in a team spirit!
What a testimony. I'll add it to his soccer scrapbook page.
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